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Shawn Chang

Shawn Chang

Senior Democratic Counsel

House Committee on Energy and Commerce

Shawn Chang is currently Senior Democratic Counsel on Communications and Technology Policy for the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the U.S. House of Representatives serving Ranking Member Henry Waxman (D-CA).

Prior to joining Ranking Member Waxman’s staff, Shawn served as the deputy policy director of Free Press. He also served as legislative assistant to Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Rep. Diane E. Watson (D-Calif.) and, Rep Patsy T. Mink (D-Hawaii). He holds his bachelor’s degree from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and received his J.D. from George Washington University Law School.

Recent Events and Presentations

May 15, 2012

My Kingdom for a Hertz: Can Washington Keep the Mobile Revolution Going?

An expert panel searches for practical solutions to the spectrum crunch.

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