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Sam Taussig

Sam Taussig

Head of Government Relations and Community Banking


Sam Taussig has been involved in alternative credit since he experienced first-hand how micro credit provided enterprising Zambians a sustainable path out of poverty. Since 2007, Sam has promoted alternative credit across Africa, South America, Asia, the Caribbean and rural America with a variety of non-governmental organizations, CDFIs and the United Nations. He was introduced to government relations while helping small business owners navigate state and federal regulatory requirements at the Montana Community Development Corporation, a CDFI and SBDC in Bozeman, Montana. Before coming to Kabbage, Sam worked for the Head of the UN in Indonesia working on upstream policy development, political affairs and bilateral diplomacy.

Sam holds an Economics degree from Sewanee: The University of the South with a concentration in econometrics and finance. His favorite small business is Liquid Adventures, a Maryland based whitewater kayaking school owned and operated by a U.S. whitewater Olympic medalist.

Recent Events and Presentations

October 18, 2016

How Policymakers Can Support Innovation in Financial Technology and Services

Please join ITIF for the release of a new report that will provide an overview of the innovations in financial technology, their impact on consumers and businesses, and the principles that should guide policymakers as they seek to encourage continued innovation in this sector. Following a presentation of the report, a panel of experts will discuss specific policy priorities and opportunities that Congress and the administration should consider to increase innovation in financial services that will better serve consumers, businesses, and investors.

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