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Randall Kempner

Randall Kempner

Executive Director

Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs

Randall Kempner is Executive Director of the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), which seeks to dramatically increase the amount and effectiveness of capital and technical/business assistance for entrepreneurs in developing countries.

Randall has fifteen years of experience in the field of national and international business/economic development. Most recently, he served as Vice President for Regional Innovation at the Council on Competitiveness, a non-partisan think tank based in Washington. In leading the Council on Competitiveness' Regional Innovation Initiative, Mr. Kempner directed innovation-based economic development initiatives in nearly a dozen American regions and provided policy guidance and training to the U.S. Departments of Commerce and Labor. Prior to joining the Council in 2003, Randall served as Vice President of OTF Group, an international consulting firm that advises regions and nations on how to create competitive advantage. Randall was a co-founder of OTF, and played a lead role in its spin-out from Monitor Group, the international consultancy. With Monitor and OTF, Randall led comprehensive competitiveness projects in Bermuda, Colombia, El Salvador, and Peru. He also worked in a wide variety of industry "clusters" including agro-industry, apparel, biotechnology and tourism.

Randall graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with an M.B.A and an M.P.Aff. He earned his bachelor's degree in Government from Harvard College. In 2004, he was a German Marshall Fund-American Memorial Marshall Fellow.

Recent Events and Presentations

March 22, 2008

Boosting Productivity, Innovation, and Growth Through a National Innovation Foundation

On April 22, 2008, from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. ITIF, MPP and the Council on Competitiveness will host an innovation briefing. The event will preview two major new reports on federal economic policy: “Boosting Productivity, Innovation, and Growth Through a National Innovation Foundation,” by ITIF President Robert Atkinson and Howard Wial, a Brookings economist; and “Clusters for Competitiveness: A New Federal Role for Stimulating Regional Economies,” by venture capitalist Karen Mills; Liz Reynolds, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology doctoral student; and Andrew Reamer, a Fellow at Brookings.

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