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Ramamoorthy Ramesh

Ramamoorthy Ramesh


Department of Energy SunShot Initiative

Dr. Ramamoorthy Ramesh graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Materials Science in 1987. He joined Bellcore in 1989 and initiated research in several key technology areas, including ferroelectric nonvolatile memories. He has extensive experience in the use of advanced characterization techniques to understand high technology materials and in the science and technology of complex materials. Prof. Ramesh joined the University of Maryland in 1995 and was promoted to Professor in 1999 and Distinguished Professor in 2003. In 2004 he joined the University of California faculty in the Materials Science and Engineering and Physics departments. He is currently the Director of the SunShot Initiative and Solar Energy Technologies Program at the Department of Energy.

Recent Events and Presentations

November 17, 2011

Energy Innovation 2011

At Energy Innovation 2011, leading energy policy thinkers will address core issues and counter misguided but widely held beliefs about the clean energy innovation.

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