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Meredith Broadbent

Meredith Broadbent

Senior Adviser (Non-Resident)

Center for Strategic and International Studies

Meredith Broadbent serves as a senior adviser (non-resident) with the Scholl Chair in International Business at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. A former chair of the U.S. International Trade Commission, she was assistant U.S. trade representative for industry, market access, and telecommunications from 2002-2008. In that position, she was responsible for developing U.S. policy that affected trade in industrial goods, telecommunications, and e-commerce. She led the U.S. negotiating team for the Doha Round negotiations to reduce tariff and nontariff barriers on industrial goods. From 2008 to 2010, she was a trade adviser at the Global Business Dialogue. Earlier in her career, Broadbent served as a senior professional staff member with the Committee on Ways and Means of the U.S. House of Representatives, where she drafted and managed major portions of the Trade and Development Act of 2000, legislation to authorize normal trade relations with China, and the Trade Act of 2002, which included trade promotion authority. She was instrumental in the development and House passage of the implementing bills for the North American Free Trade Agreement and Uruguay Round Agreements. Broadbent holds a bachelor’s of arts in history from Middlebury College and a master’s of business administration from the George Washington University School of Business and Public Management.

Recent Events and Presentations

November 28, 2022

How Updating a Century-Old Trade Law Could Limit China’s Ability to Profit From Unfair Trade Practices

Watch ITIF's briefing event featuring Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and an expert panel of current and former U.S. trade officials who discussed how to limit China’s ability to profit from its predatory trade practices.

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