Liam Benham
Liam Benham is vice president for governmental programs for IBM Europe, based in Brussels. He works with the European Union institutions in Brussels as well as national governments across the EU, Russia, and Turkey. Benham is a member of the Board of American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) and chairs the Policy Group, which oversees the policy positions taken by the chamber. Before joining IBM, he spent 15 years in senior government relations positions at Ford Motor Company, based in the U.K., Brussels, and Asia-Pacific. He holds a degree in politics from the University of Bristol.
Recent Events and Presentations
Seizing Europe’s Data Innovation Opportunity
Join ITIF's Center for Data Innovation at the inaugural event for its Brussels office where it will host a thoughtful discussion about the future of data policy in Europe, including opportunities to build and expand on successes to increase the use of data throughout the public and private sector.