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Larry Goldberg

Larry Goldberg

Director of Media Access


is WGBH's Director of Media Access and oversees NCAM (the research and development arm) and the two access production/service departments: The Caption Center and Descriptive Video Service®. He regularly publishes on media access issues, presents WGBH research at conferences, and consults for government and media and technology companies on access issues. Mr. Goldberg was a pioneer in the development of the digital television closed captioning standard now required by the FCC and has been a member of numerous advisory boards at the FCC, for major corporations, and national consumer groups across the country. Mr. Goldberg was awarded a patent in 1996 for "Rear Window®," the first closed captioning system for movie theaters and theme parks and in August 2007 was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc., "in recognition of an individual who has devoted significant time and energy over an extended number of years to improving accessibility to telecommunications and media in the United States."

Larry has a BA in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Southern California and joined the Media Access Group in 1985.

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