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Kristine Berzina

Kristine Berzina

Senior Fellow at Alliance for Securing Democracy

German Marshall Fund of the United States


Kristine Berzina is a senior fellow at the Alliance for Securing Democracy in GMF's Brussels office. She focuses on U.S.–EU relations, NATO, and energy topics. Berzina, who lived in Moscow part-time from 2014 until 2016, also analyzes Russia’s foreign policy and writes about Baltic foreign policy and security issues. Berzina appears frequently in international media, including NPR, Deutsche Welle, Euronews, The Wall Street Journal, and Agence France-Presse. Prior to joining GMF, Berzina worked on energy security, transatlantic cooperation, and climate change and security in Berlin, Germany and in Washington, D.C. A native of Latvia, Berzina grew up in the United States. She received her master’s degree in international relations from the University of Cambridge and her bachelor's in political science and history from Yale University. Berzina is a native speaker of English and Latvian, is fluent in German, and has a basic knowledge of Russian and French.

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July 3, 2019

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ITIF's Center for Data Innovation hosted a panel discussion on the opportunities for collaboration on AI between Canada, the European Union, and the United States.

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