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Ken Salaets

Ken Salaets


Global Policy

As director of a portfolio of information technology policy and advocacy initiatives, Ken Salaets has played a critical role in positioning ITI as the leading global industry voice on issues such as IT accessibility policy and energy efficiency. He is an accomplished public speaker who is often called upon by government and industry to present the IT business perspective on a number of issues.

Prior to joining ITI, Ken served on the professional staff of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Operations, where he managed oversight investigations and congressional hearings on a wide range of issues, including international aviation security, government housing and surplus property programs, and federal small and disadvantaged business subcontracting.

A native of Santa Ana, California, Ken earned a B.A. in Political Science from Brigham Young University. He and his wife, Nancy, have four children and live in Germantown, Maryland.

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