Karl Nebbia
Karl Nebbia is the Associate Administrator of the Office of Spectrum Management within the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). In this capacity, he leads spectrum management for the executive branch agencies and manages engineering, frequency assignment, IT, policy, emergency planning and, strategic planning functions. Recent efforts have focused on President Obama’s call to identify within 10 years 500 megahertz for wireless broadband. In March, NTIA released its review of the 1755-1850 MHz band, concluding that the entire 95 MHz could be made available for wireless broadband.
Previously, he served as the Deputy Associate Administrator for Domestic Spectrum Management, acting as the focal point for development of domestic policy and coordination of spectrum issues with the FCC. In this capacity, he also chaired the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC), an advisory committee with radio spectrum managers from 19 executive branch agencies. The longest standing federal advisory committee in the United States, the IRAC serves as the primary mechanism for frequency coordination with U.S. government users.
Mr. Nebbia has also extensive international experience as the program manager coordinating the participation of NTIA staff and the U.S. federal agencies in international spectrum management fora, particularly International Telecommunication Union (ITU) activities such as the ITU Plenipotentiary and Council, the ITU-R study groups, the Radio Advisory Group, the Radiocommunication Assembly, World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), and ITU Development Sector regarding spectrum management.
Mr. Nebbia, a 1974 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, joined NTIA in 1983.
Karl Nebbia is the Deputy Associate Administrator of NTIA’s Office of Spectrum Management. In this capacity, he chairs the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC), an advisory committee representing the radio spectrum managers of 19 Executive Branch agencies. The longest standing federal advisory committee in the United States, the IRAC serves as the primary mechanism for frequency coordination with U.S. government users. It also prepares recommendations regarding a host of spectrum management issues from emergency planning, and World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) preparations to FCC rulemakings regarding commercial services. He also serves as the primary assistant to the Associate Administrator of NTIA’s Office of Spectrum Management on issues of domestic spectrum policy. He assumed these responsibilities in January of 2002. Previously, he served as the program manager for the Spectrum Plans Program, coordinating the participation of NTIA staff and the U.S. federal agencies in international spectrum management fora, particularly International Telecommunication Union (ITU) activities such as the ITU Plenipotentiary and Council, the ITU-R study groups, the Radio Advisory Group, the Radiocommunication Assembly, WRC, and ITU Development Sector regarding spectrum management. In preparation for WRC-2000, he chaired the federal agency preparatory group, and acted as a Vice-Chairman of the U.S. Delegation. At WRC-03, he acted as a senior advisor to Ambassador Janice Obuchowski. Mr. Nebbia, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, joined NTIA in
Karl Nebbia is the Deputy Associate Administrator of NTIA’s Office of Spectrum Management. In this capacity, he chairs the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC), an advisory committee representing the radio spectrum managers of 19 Executive Branch agencies. The longest standing federal advisory committee in the United States, the IRAC serves as the primary mechanism for frequency coordination with U.S. government users. It also prepares recommendations regarding a host of spectrum management issues from emergency planning, and World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) preparations to FCC rulemakings regarding commercial services. He also serves as the primary assistant to the Associate Administrator of NTIA’s Office of Spectrum Management on issues of domestic spectrum policy. He assumed these responsibilities in January of 2002. Previously, he served as the program manager for the Spectrum Plans Program, coordinating the participation of NTIA staff and the U.S. federal agencies in international spectrum management fora, particularly International Telecommunication Union (ITU) activities such as the ITU Plenipotentiary and Council, the ITU-R study groups, the Radio Advisory Group, the Radiocommunication Assembly, WRC, and ITU Development Sector regarding spectrum management. In preparation for WRC-2000, he chaired the federal agency preparatory group, and acted as a Vice-Chairman of the U.S. Delegation. At WRC-03, he acted as a senior advisor to Ambassador Janice Obuchowski. Mr. Nebbia, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, joined NTIA in 1983.
Recent Events and Presentations
My Kingdom for a Hertz: Can Washington Keep the Mobile Revolution Going?
An expert panel searches for practical solutions to the spectrum crunch.