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Kai Zenner

 Kai Zenner

Head of Office & Digital Policy Advisor to MEP Axel Voss

European Parliament

Kai Zenner is a digital enthusiast focusing on horizontal legislation, emerging technologies, and Europe’s digital sovereignty. He takes a cooperative and pragmatic approach, always trying to strike a balance, and is annoyed by stagnation, ideological mindsets, and political power plays in the EU institutions and elsewhere. Kai graduated in politics and law, after specializing in Security Studies and Foreign Policy Analysis as well as in Constitutional and European Law. He studied Political Science (B.A.) at University of Bremen, Law (First German state examination / Dipl.-Jur.) at University of Freiburg / York / Münster and International Relations (M.Sc.) at University of Edinburgh. Kai started his professional life as Research Associate at the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Brussels, before moving to the European Parliament as Head of Office for MEP Axel Voss (EPP Group) in 2017.

Recent Events and Presentations

September 13, 2022

Should the EU Regulate General-Purpose AI Systems?

Watch the Center for Data Innovation's discussion on the proposed amendments to the EU’s AI Act for general-purpose systems and its implications for AI development, innovation, and deployment in the EU and beyond.

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