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Julian Goldman

Julian Goldman

Medical Director of Biomedical Engineering

Partners Healthcare System

Julian M. Goldman, MD is Medical Director of Biomedical Engineering for Partners HealthCare System, a principal anesthesiologist in the Massachusetts General Hospital "Operating Room of the Future", and Director of the Program on Medical Device Interoperability at MGH and CIMIT (Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology). Dr. Goldman founded the Medical Device "Plug-and-Play" ( MD PnP) Interoperability Program in 2004 to promote innovation in patient safety and clinical care by leading the adoption of patient-centric medical device integration. The MD PnP program team was the recipient of the 2007 CIMIT Edward M Kennedy award for Healthcare Innovation. Dr. Goldman serves on the NSF CISE Advisory Committee, and served as a Visiting Scholar in the FDA Medical Device Fellowship Program and as a member of the CDC BSC for the NCPHI. He currently serves in leadership positions in several medical device standardization organizations including Chair of ISO Technical Committee 121, Chair of the Use Case Working Group of the Continua Health Alliance, and User Vice Chair of ASTM Committee F29.

Recent Events and Presentations

September 24, 2012

Recommendations from the mHealth Task Force

A discussion of the opportunities, potential, and challenges of mHealth technology adoption in patient service industries.

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