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Joel Gurin

Joel Gurin

Senior Advisor

NYU Governance Lab

Joel Gurin is the author of the new book, Open Data Now, and covers the field through his website, He is currently Senior Advisor at the Governance Lab at NYU, where he directs the Open Data 500, a project to study companies that use government Open Data as a key business resource ( He was formerly Editorial Director and then Executive Vice President of Consumers Union and Consumer Reports. From late 2009 through early 2012 he was Chief of the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission. He also served as Chair of the White House Task Force on Smart Disclosure, which studied how the federal government can help consumers by providing information on complex choices in the marketplace.

Recent Events and Presentations

April 8, 2014

The Economic Impact of Open Data

A panel discussion highlighting how government agencies can promote continued data-driven growth.

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