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Ilias Chantzos

Ilias Chantzos

Senior Director, Symantec Government Affairs, EMEA & APJ, Global CIP and Privacy Advisor

Ilias Chantzos is Senior Director of Symantec’s Government Affairs programmes for Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific Japan (APJ). He is also the Global Advisor for Critical Infrastructure and Data Protection. Chantzos represents Symantec before government bodies, national authorities and international organisations advising on public policy issues with particular regard to IT security and privacy.

Before joining Symantec in 2004, Chantzos worked as legal and policy officer in the Directorate General Information Society of the European Commission focusing on information security policy. He covered the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention and the Framework Decision on Attacks against Information Systems. In addition, he worked on a number of EU legislative initiatives relevant to information society and security, including directives on Privacy on Electronic Communications, the Data Retention Directive and the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). He also represented the European Commission in various international debates and conferences.

Chantzos holds a law degree from the Aristotle University, an Erasmus degree from the University of Limburg, a Master degree in Computers and Communication Law from Queen Mary College, University of London and a Master in Business Administration from Solvay Business School. He has also completed executive education at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore and at the JFK School of Government in Harvard. Chantzos is member of the Athens Bar Association. He served as Chairman of the Executive Board of TechAmerica Europe. He also served for four terms as Chairman of the European Policy Council of Business Software Alliance (BSA). He is appointed member of the Permanent Stakeholders Group of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and at Europol’s European Cybercrime Center (EC3) Advisory Board. He also represents Symantec at the NATO Industry Cooperation Platform. Chantzos is a member of the Young Global Leaders 2014 class of the World Economic Forum. He speaks Greek, English, Dutch and German.

Recent Events and Presentations

September 26, 2018

Integrating Europe’s AI and Cybersecurity Strategies

The European Commission is pursuing major initiatives in artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity. AI provides attackers new cybersecurity vulnerabilities, but it is also a powerful tool for automating cyber defenses.

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