ITIF Search

Frank Torres

Frank Torres

Director of Consumer Affairs and a Senior Policy Counsel

Microsoft Corporation

Frank Torres is the Director of Consumer Affairs and a Senior Policy Counsel for the Microsoft Corporation. He leads the company’s engagement strategy with consumer and privacy advocates and civil rights organizations. Frank also directs federal policy activity and strategy on privacy, including issues related to government surveillance, and represents Microsoft’s interests on those issues before Congress and the administration.

Prior to joining Microsoft, Frank served as Legislative Counsel in the Washington, DC consumer advocacy office of Consumers Union, the publisher of Consumer Reports magazine. He testified on numerous occasions before the United States Congress on privacy issues and legislation while at Consumers Union. Frank was a member of the Federal Trade Commission Advisory Committee on Online Access and Security, and served as a member of the Federal Reserve Board’s Consumer Advisory Council.

Mr. Torres received his law degree from George Washington University and his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University.

Recent Events and Presentations

September 10, 2019

How the United States Can Maintain Its Lead in the Global AI Race

ITIF's Center for Data Innovation hosted a keynote address by Michael Kratsios, Chief Technology Officer of the United States, and a panel discussion on the state of the global AI race and how policymakers can continue to support U.S. leadership in AI.

May 22, 2018

Accountability in the Algorithmic Economy

Join the Center for Data Innovation for a presentation of its new report and a panel discussion on how policymakers can hold algorithms accountable while accelerating adoption of AI.

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