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Ellysse Dick

Ellysse Dick

Former Policy Analyst

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation


Ellysse Dick was a policy analyst in tech and cyber policy at ITIF. Her research focuses on AR/VR innovation and policy including privacy, safety, and accountability. Prior to ITIF, she led communications and outreach for the Women in Public Service Project at the Wilson Center.

Ellysse holds a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School at Tufts University and a BA in International Affairs and German Studies from the University of Colorado.

Recent Publications

November 15, 2021

Public Policy for the Metaverse: Key Takeaways from the 2021 AR/VR Policy Conference

AR/VR technologies have transformative potential in everything from entertainment and communication to workforce development and education. But they also raise unique considerations on issues that policymakers are grappling with in relation to other technologies, such as privacy, safety, security, and equity.

September 13, 2021

Smart Glasses Have Arrived. Congress Needs to Catch Up

Following in the footsteps of Snap’s Spectacles and Amazon’s Echo Frames, Facebook’s newly announced Ray-Ban Stories smart glasses are the latest effort to transition digital communications from handheld devices to wearable displays.

August 30, 2021

The Promise of Immersive Learning: Augmented and Virtual Reality’s Potential in Education

AR/VR solutions can enhance classroom experiences and expand opportunities at all levels of learning. The federal government should support further innovation by investing in research, skill-building, content development, and equitable adoption of immersive technologies

August 9, 2021

Attracting Foreign Direct Investments Through Augmented and Virtual Reality

Attracting foreign investment is a key component of many countries’ economic development strategies. AR/VR solutions can help the process by providing engaging storytelling tools, helping to visualize potential investments, and reducing the need for in-person meetings and site visits.

June 1, 2021

Risks and Challenges for Inclusive and Equitable Immersive Experiences

AR/VR has the potential to make both digital and non-digital services more inclusive and equitable. To achieve that goal, industry leaders and policymakers should take steps to mitigate potential unintended consequences.

June 1, 2021

Principles and Policies to Unlock the Potential of AR/VR for Equity and Inclusion

To maximize the benefits of AR/VR technologies, developers, policymakers, and organizations implementing them should consider a variety of user needs from the outset. Government should lead by example as an early adopter of inclusive AR/VR, and it should and establish standards and best practices for equity and inclusion in immersive experiences across sectors.

June 1, 2021

Current and Potential Uses of AR/VR for Equity and Inclusion

AR/VR can make important contributions to equity and inclusion if it is designed with these goals in mind. It can serve as a tool to help tackle implicit biases, improve access to opportunities, and create new channels for communication, community, and collaboration across distances.

April 7, 2021

What We Learned When We Broke the Internet: Insights From the Section 230 Debate

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act has quickly transformed from an obscure law known mostly to tech policy experts to a regular feature in public debates and policy discussions. What is this brief, 25-year-old law making headlines, and how could reforming or repealing it impact our daily lives?

March 25, 2021

How to Build Back Better the Transatlantic Data Relationship

Transatlantic data flows are essential to organizations of all sizes and industries—not just large technology firms. The EU and United States must establish clear, consistent legal mechanisms for data transfers so both sides can thrive in an increasingly digital global economy.

March 4, 2021

Balancing User Privacy and Innovation in Augmented and Virtual Reality

AR/VR devices create novel issues for user privacy due to the scope, scale, and sensitivity of the information they collect. To mitigate harms, policymakers should reform the current patchwork regulatory landscape for data privacy, which fails to address some risks while over-regulating in response to others.

February 10, 2021

With the Right Investments, AR and VR Can Reduce Education Gaps

The shift to mass distance learning has underscored the need for schools to adopt educational technology that allows students to learn independently, whether at home or in the classroom, as well as to stay engaged. Augmented and virtual reality have the potential to meet these needs, but only if federal and state governments make targeted investments in these technologies.

January 27, 2021

Why “Made in America” Investments Should Include AR/VR Content

The United States has been a leader in AR/VR innovation. To maintain this position going forward, the Biden administration should prioritize AR/VR alongside other emerging technologies such as 5G and artificial intelligence.

More publications by Ellysse Dick

Recent Events and Presentations

October 21, 2021

The Augmented and Virtual Reality Policy Conference

Through a series of expert talks and panels, this half-day conference organized by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation and the XR Association explored the role of policy in AR/VR innovation and identified priority areas for policymakers to consider as these technologies continue to expand.

March 4, 2021

How to Balance Privacy and Innovation in Augmented and Virtual Reality

ITIF released a new report and hosted a conversation with experts and industry leaders in AR/VR to discuss what unique privacy risks these technologies raise, how AR/VR providers are mitigating these concerns, and how existing and proposed privacy laws and regulations will impact AR/VR technologies.

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