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Eliza Krigman

Eliza Krigman



Eliza Krigman is a technology reporter for POLITICO Pro. She developed her policy muscles at National Journal, where she served as a principal writer for the Tech Daily Dose blog and also contributed to the company’s daily paper and weekly magazine. Krigman's coverage of tech issues has run the gamut from copyright infringement, online privacy and cable fee disputes to net neutrality and music performance royalties. She has also written extensively on federal education issues and lobbying.

Prior to National Journal, Krigman cut her teeth in Beltway journalism as an editorial intern at the Center for Responsive Politics. Her government-related experience extends far beyond that, however. Krigman spent two years as a staff and research assistant at the Brookings Institution and has experience working at the State Department both domestically and overseas.

She hails from Boston and received her bachelor of arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic, the Brookings Institution, The Nation and the Examiner, among other publications.

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