Dorothy Dwoskin
Dorothy is member of Microsoft’s US Government Affairs team in Washington, D.C. and is responsible for leading the company’s policy efforts on international trade and economic issues, focusing on open markets for services and devices. She is an experienced trade negotiator and expert in trade policy, and works on behalf of Microsoft before the Executive Branch, Congress, international organizations and foreign governments. Within the company she supports Microsoft’s subsidiaries on international trade and economic issues.
Before joining Microsoft in 2007, Dorothy served nearly 30 years as a member of the career staff at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). In her last post she served as the Assistant USTR for the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Multilateral Affairs. In that position she was responsible for multilateral trade negotiations and policy matters before the WTO and OECD, including the Doha Development Agenda (DDA). She was a senior member of the team for the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations, participating in negotiations that resulted in the creation of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), and leading the team on goods market access. In addition to the multilateral trade rounds, she served as lead U.S. negotiator on a variety of trade policy issues, concluding the original landmark Information Technology Agreement (ITA), and led the negotiating teams setting the terms of membership for countries acceding to the WTO, including China and Taiwan. She led teams resulting in successful bilateral WTO market access agreements with Russia and Ukraine, and concluded membership negotiations for the accession of Vietnam and Saudi Arabia.
Dorothy is on the Board of the National Center for APEC (NCAPEC) and currently serves in a leadership role on the Executive Committee as Vice Chair, responsible for policy. In addition to her work related to APEC on behalf of Microsoft, she is engaged in a variety of trade associations in Washington, D.C., chairing the Coalition of Services Industries (CSI) Strategy Group, and serving on the Board of the Washington International Trade Association (WITA) and the US-Russia Business Council. In Washington State, Dorothy serves as Vice Chair of the Washington Council on International Trade (WCIT).
Dorothy was born and raised in Seattle, Washington and attended the University of Washington and graduated cum laude from the American University School of International Service.
Recent Events and Presentations
The Global Mercantilist Index: A New Approach to Ranking Nations’ Trade Policies
This event will feature the release of a major report, the “Global Mercantilist Index” (GMI).