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Dana Eleftheriadou

Dana Eleftheriadou

Head of Advanced Technologies and Digital Transformation Team, DG GROW

European Commission

Dana Eleftheriadou leads EU policy development on advanced technologies, artificial intelligence and digital transformation with the aim to foster technological and industrial leadership in Europe, promote Digital Cities challenge and help startups scale-up and grow, leading a high-performing multi-functional team, that has been devising, managing and running policy initiatives and complex projects in high-tech and entrepreneurship, shaping industrial policy, creating and managing strategic policy dialogues. She is EU coordinator of the Strategic Policy Forum on Digital Entrepreneurship and EU delegate at the G7 ICT and Industry Ministerial dialogue and the G20 dialogue for Innovative Growth. She is a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Digital Leaders Group.

Recent Events and Presentations

February 6, 2020

What Should Europe Do To Embrace AI-Powered Manufacturing?

ITIF’s Center for Data Innovation hosted a discussion exploring the future of AI-enabled manufacturing, and what European policymakers should do to help Europe thrive.

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