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Cento Veljanovski

Cento Veljanovski

Managing Partner and Founder

Case Associates

Cento Veljanovski is Managing Partner and founder of Case Associates and IEAFellow in Law & Economics. He is a well-known economist with over 40 years of experience as an adviser to companies on competition and regulatory economics. He has been a director of several management and economics consulting firms,on the Board of listed public companies, a past editorial and research director at the Institute of Economic Affairs and has held academic positions at universities and research centers in the UK, North America and Australia. He has written widely on industrial economics, law and economics, and the communications sector including most recently Cartel Damages – Principles, economics and measurement (OUP, 2020) and articles on algorithmic antitrust published in the Singapore Economic Review, the Journal of European Competition Law &Practice and in European Algorithmic Antitrust, A. Portuese, ed. ( Berlin:Springer, 2021).

Recent Events and Presentations

February 24, 2022

Book Launch: “Algorithmic Antitrust”

Marking the release of the new book “Algorithmic Antitrust,” ITIF’s Portuese moderated as the authors discussed their respective essays and debated how companies compete through algorithms and what it means for competition agencies.

November 4, 2021

The Meaning of Competition: Assertive Antitrust Enforcement and the Digital Economy

Jointly organized by ITIF's Schumpeter Project on Competition Policy and the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) and held at the IEA's offices at Lord North Street in the heart of Westminster, this conference features world-leading experts, officials, and scholars. The conference debated current concepts and misconceptions of the meaning of competition in the digital era.

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