Celia I. Merzbacher
Dr. Celia Merzbacher is the QED-C Executive Director responsible for continuing to build the consortium and managing operational aspects. Previously, Dr. Merzbacher was Vice President for Innovative Partnerships at the Semiconductor Research Corporation, a consortium of the semiconductor industry. In 2003-2008, she was Assistant Director for Technology R&D in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, where she oversaw the establishment and coordination of the National Nanotechnology Initiative. She also served as Executive Director of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST).
Dr. Merzbacher began her career as a materials scientist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington D.C., where her research led to six patents and more than 50 technical publications. She has served as Chair of the National Materials and Manufacturing Board of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, on the Board of Directors of ANSI, as well as on advisory boards of several university research centers.
Recent Events and Presentations
What Should Congress Include in The Next National Quantum Initiative Act?
Watch the panel discussion on what the NQIA got right, where there is room for improvement, and what policymakers should do next.
How Can U.S. Policymakers Support the Development of Quantum Computing?
ITIF's Center for Data Innovation hosted a discussion about a new report exploring steps Congress and federal agencies can take to support quantum computing in the United States.
Prioritizing Productivity in Federal R&D Policy to Drive Growth
ITIF released a new report laying out a productivity-focused agenda for federal science and engineering research, and a panel explored how increasing government spending on R&D can help advance technology, boost productivity, and improve living standards.
Why America Needs a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation
What benefits the United States should expect to accrue by establishing an NNMI.