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Barbara Esbin

Barbara Esbin

Senior Fellow and Director

Center for Communications and Competition Policy

Barbara Esbin is Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Communications and Competition Policy at The Progress & Freedom Foundation. Esbin served for over fourteen years at the Federal Communications Commission, most recently as Special Counsel in the Market Disputes Resolution Division of the Enforcement Bureau. Before joining the Enforcement Bureau at the FCC, Esbin spent four years as Associate Bureau Chief at the Commission's Media Bureau. There, she represented the Bureau on a number of inter-agency efforts and led the review of several major industry mergers and rulemakings addressing cable and broadband competition issues. Esbin has also served as Associate Bureau Chief of the Cable Services Bureau, Special Counsel for Competition and Senior Policy Advisor at the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, and Attorney-Advisor and Assistant Tariff Division Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau. She has spent time in private practice, specializing in cable and broadband regulatory issues between her two FCC engagements, and electric utility regulation prior to joining the FCC. Esbin had two judicial clerkships in the North Carolina appellate system and is a graduate of the Duke University School of Law and Antioch College.

Recent Events and Presentations

March 2, 2010

Going Mobile: Technology and Policy Issues in the Mobile Internet

ITIF event discussing a new report that explains how mobile networks are changing.

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