Ashok Chandak
Ashok Chandak is the president of IESA, India’s premier industry body for electronics and semiconductors. He has over three decades of semiconductor and electronics industry experience in sales, marketing, ecosystem development, company setup, mergers and acquisitions, start-up incubators, and academia, having worked for NXP/Philips, Infineon, and Motorola, and having served on the board of several start-up incubators. With post-graduate training in Electronics Engineering and Management from Babson College in Boston, Massachusetts, Chandak has led multi-country, cross-cultural, cross-functional teams across Asia and has been actively contributing to India’s electronics and semiconductor sector growth strategies and initiatives.
Recent Events and Presentations
Assessing India’s Readiness to Compete in Global Semiconductor Value Chains
Watch now for an expert panel discussion about a new ITIF report that was commissioned to inform the U.S. and Indian governments for their joint initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET).