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Antonia Gawel

Antonia Gawel

Head, Climate Action; Deputy Head, Platform for Public Goods

World Economic Forum

BA (Hons) in Economics, University of Toronto; Master’s in Environmental Planning, Policy and Regulation, London School of Economics. Formerly: Deputy Director, Energy and Climate, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Geneva; worked in Bhutan as an adviser on environment and clean energy programmes and at the International Energy Agency (IEA), responsible for IEA’s work on monitoring and evaluating clean energy policy and deployment progress as input to the Clean Energy Ministerial and G-20 processes. Currently, Head of the Circular Economy Initiative, World Economic Forum. 2006, selected for the Young Canadian Leaders for a Sustainable Future programme, International Institute for Sustainable Development.

Recent Events and Presentations

November 4, 2021

The Next Wave of Climate Solutions: Accelerating Innovation Now to Scale Up in the ‘30s & ‘40s

Watch the conversation to hear a diverse set of perspectives on the priorities and modalities for a decade of ambitious action to accelerate innovation, which must unfold in the 2020s to unlock decades of opportunity to follow. This panel was co-organized by ITIF and Breakthrough Energy and Third Way for COP26.

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