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Andreas Larsson

Andreas Larsson

Science & Innovation Counselor, Head of Office

Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis, Embassy of Sweden

Recent Publications

September 14, 2023

Transatlantic Subnational Innovation Competitiveness Index 2.0

For policymakers to bolster the global competitiveness of their nations and regions, they first must know where they stand. This report benchmarks the 121 regions of Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Sweden, and the United States using 13 commonly available indicators of strength in the knowledge economy, globalization, and innovation capacity.

More publications by Andreas Larsson

Recent Events and Presentations

January 20, 2016

Contributors and Detractors: Ranking Countries’ Impact on Global Innovation

Please join ITIF as it releases a seminal new report ranking 56 nations on the extent to which their policies either contribute to or detract from global innovation. The event also will discuss what countries, individually and collectively, need to do to enact innovation-based growth policies that move toward a more effective global innovation system that maximizes commonly shared global prosperity and positions humanity to better deal with grand challenges.

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