Allan Adler
At present, Mr. Adler is Vice President for Legal and Governmental Affairs in the Washington, D.C. office of the Association of American Publishers (AAP), the national trade organization which represents our Nation's book and journal publishing industries.
From 1989 until joining AAP in 1996, Mr. Adler practiced law as a member of Cohn and Marks, the Washington, D.C. communications law firm. His practice focused primarily on government relations in areas of federal law, regulation and policy concerning information, telecommunications & technology. Mr. Adler's practice included work on federal legislation and rulemaking affecting cable & broadcast television, telemarketing, electronic publishing, copyright, postsecondary education and career training programs, and First Amendment interests of the news media.
Prior to joining Cohn and Marks, Mr. Adler served as Legislative Counsel to the American Civil Liberties Union (1981-1989), where he presented testimony before various committees of Congress on a broad range of issues concerning the public's right to obtain and disseminate information. He also represented the ACLU concerning a variety of public policy matters relating to national security, privacy, and the due process rights of employees in the workplace.
During his years as an ACLU attorney, Mr. Adler became well-known for his work involving the Freedom of Information Act; the Privacy Act; requirements for classification and safeguarding of National Security Information; the Federal Personnel Security Clearance Program; and polygraph and drug testing in the workplace.
For over sixteen years, Mr. Adler was the editor of annual editions of Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws, a popular attorney's handbook for which he received the Playboy Foundation's First Amendment Award for Book Publishing in 1991.
Before representing the ACLU, Mr. Adler was a staff attorney with the Center for National Security Studies (1978-1981) and Staff Director for The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (1977-1978).
Mr. Adler holds a B.A. in History from the State University of New York at Binghamton (1974) and a Juris Doctor from the National Law Center of The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. (1978).
Mr. Adler has been a member of the State Department's Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy ("ACICIP") since his appointment to it in 1997.
Recent Events and Presentations
Copyright, Content and Class Action Lawsuits: A Debate on the Google Book Search Settlement
A debate on the Google Book Search settlement, its implications, and the broader issues of orphan works and digital libraries.