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Aadli Abdul-Kareem

Aadli Abdul-Kareem

Managing Partner & Co-Founder

Electronic Health Network, Inc

Aadli is an expert in health information exchange technology and business processes. He conducted the first global exchange of health data from the USA to Europe in 2011. Since then, he has architected several large scale HIE and Health IT solutions within the Mid Atlantic and Pacific region. Nevertheless, Aadli continues to shared his extensive knowledge and expertise at various events throughout the United States.

Recent Events and Presentations

April 24, 2018

Innovate4Health: How IP and Innovation Are Solving Global Health Challenges

Please join ITIF and the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property for an event releasing a new report that documents 25 cases of primarily developing-world entrepreneurs meeting global health challenges by “innovating for health.” The event will discuss what policies, including intellectual property, are needed to underpin successful life-sciences innovation in both the developed and developing world and feature presentations from several developing-country healthcare innovators who are leveraging IP, science, and technology to create a better world.

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