What Should Congress Include in The Next National Quantum Initiative Act?
Event Summary
When Congress enacted the National Quantum Initiative Act (NQIA) in 2018, it was one of the most significant pieces of legislation related to the field of quantum information science (QIS) in U.S. history. Knowing this discipline can enable powerful new forms of computing and information processing, the government has taken a coordinated approach to how it funds and prioritizes quantum-related activities through the NQIA to secure U.S. leadership in this critical field.
It has been five years since the NQIA was put into law, and the Act is set to expire until Congress takes action to reauthorize it. But how impactful was the initial NQIA in accelerating the development of quantum technologies in the United States? And what sorts of provisions should Congress include in the reauthorization of the NQIA?
Watch the panel discussion on what the NQIA got right, where there is room for improvement, and what policymakers should do next.
- Watch here, or on datainnovation.org