Clean, Reliable Energy For a Zero-Emissions Future

Join us for the Microgrid Informational Session on the new Infrastructure Bill. What tax incentives and benefits are available? What are some of the new taxes and penalties on fossil fuels? How do we avoid these penalties?
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal boosts clean energy jobs, strengthens resilience, and advances environmental justice. President Biden has made combatting the climate crisis a central priority of his administration throughout his legislative agenda. Climate change is already impacting almost every aspect of life in the United States. Extreme heat waves, catastrophic wildfires, and severe drought are taking American lives and livelihoods. In the last year alone, extreme weather has cost America more than $100 billion–often hitting historically underserved groups the hardest, particularly low‐income communities, communities of color, and people with disabilities. In just the last few months, nearly 1 in 3 Americans have been hit by a severe weather disaster and 2 in 3 Americans have suffered through dangerous heat waves. Delayed action on climate also sets us back in the global race on manufacturing and innovation, preventing us from harnessing the economic opportunity that this moment represents.