How AI and Open Data Can Help Combat the Climate Crisis, Inequity, and More

Kir Nuthi speaks at the 2022 EBF Conference, discussing artificial intelligence (AI), what it should and should not be used for, and how it can enhance leadership and business goals.
AI is becoming more and more prevalent in our daily lives. From products being recommended to us that we did not even know we wanted, to optimizing entire supply chains. The use of AI enhances our lives through increased efficiency, predicting the future, and making the best possible decision. However, AI is not the be-all and end-all solution to every problem. While algorithms can even predict the occurrence of diseases such as cancer, the question must be asked whether or not we should trust companies with sensitive data like medical records. Industry leaders like Google and Microsoft provide great services powered by AI to everyone, but they are not without criticism on how they handle issues regarding privacy.