IP Stories: Innovating for a Better Future (A World IP Day Event)
Event Summary
Intellectual property (IP) is a vital part of the global creative and innovative ecosystems, especially for individual creators, entrepreneurs, start-ups, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Unfortunately, IP rights are increasingly threatened by activists who would deny creators and innovators their livelihoods in favor of access to free content and products. To raise awareness of IP’s vital role, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) established the first World IP Day on April 26, 2000.
Please join ITIF, Geneva Network, Hudson Institute, Center for Intellectual Property x Innovation Policy (C-IP2), Property Rights Alliance, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as we learn the stories of a few of the individuals and SMEs who rely on IP rights to innovate for a better future.
Other events celebrating World IP Day:
- US Patent and Trademark Office—World IP Day 2022
- Bayh-Dole Coalition—Attacks on Bayh-Dole are Attacks on Small Business
- Center for Strategic & International Studies—Innovation and IP’s Role in Combatting the COVID-19 Pandemic
For more information on World IP Day, please see:
- Tanja Porčnik, "Property Rights Alliance Celebrates World IP Day, Launches Open Letter to WIPO" (Visio Institute, April 2022).
Jaci Mcdole, "IP Is for Everyone: Celebrating World IP Day 2022" (ITIF, April 2022).
- United States Patent and Trademark Office, "Intellectual property and the U.S. economy: Third edition" (USPTO, 2021).
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce, "2022 International IP Index: Tenth Edition" (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 2022).