Dynamic Antitrust Discussion Series: “Innovation”
Event Summary
Antitrust interventions aim to redress market failures and punish anti-competitive behaviors. However, antitrust enforcers excessively focus on static efficiency to justify these interventions, thus reduction of market power becomes the goal. Consequently, antitrust interventions can hinder a companies ability to survive long term competition in order to force short-term competition. To what extent and when does antitrust harm innovation?
Join ITIF for the twelfth in a series of discussions on “dynamic antitrust,” in which Aurelien Portuese, ITIF’s director of antitrust and innovation policy, sits down with leading scholars and antitrust enforcers in Washington, Brussels, and elsewhere to discuss the path forward in making antitrust a foundation for innovation. Join us to discuss the interaction between antitrust and innovation with Professor Thomas Lambert and ITIF's Julie Carlson.