Dynamic Antitrust Discussion Series: “Transatlantic Antitrust”
Event Summary
U.S. antitrust laws are under fire – reforms appear inevitable in light of the techlash and the antitrust concerns in digital markets. Equally, EU competition law undergoes a significant overhaul with notably the Digital Markets Act. Do U.S. antitrust laws and EU competition laws eventually converge? Does Neo-Brandeisianism, now prevailing in the U.S., reinforce European ordoliberalism? How to further improve the cooperation between European antitrust enforcers and American antitrust enforcers in today’s fast-changing markets?
ITIF and Competition Policy International hosted the eighth in a series of discussions on “dynamic antitrust,” in which Aurelien Portuese, ITIF’s director of antitrust and innovation policy, sits down with leading scholars and antitrust enforcers in Washington, Brussels, and elsewhere to discuss the path forward in making antitrust a foundation for innovation.