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Digitizing America’s Infrastructure for the 21st Century Economy

Friday, May 20, 201609:00 AM to 10:30 AM EST
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation1101 K Street NW, Suite 610AWashington District Of Columbia, 20005

Event Summary

Infrastructure has always been important to U.S. economic growth and success, and that will continue to be true in the 21st century as more and more of the economy goes digital. But with rapid advances in information technology, the infrastructure itself also must evolve. Some new infrastructure will need to be hybridized, integrating both physical and digital features and capabilities, while some will be purely digital. But make no mistake: The country’s future growth prospects will hinge in no small part on whether it successfully builds out all of these new infrastructure systems.

Please join ITIF to discuss a new report exploring why building out digital and hybrid infrastructure is critical to seizing the next wave of economic opportunities, creating jobs, and improving people’s quality of life. Panelists will delve into issues such as the barriers inhibiting deployment of next-generation infrastructure, and they will examine opportunities for policymakers and the private sector to lay the building blocks of the 21st century economy.


Robert D.
Robert D. Atkinson@RobAtkinsonITIF
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
Moderator, Presenter (View Presentation)
Dan Carol
Senior Advisor
Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation, Georgetown University
Dan Correa
Senior Advisor for Innovation Policy
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Regina Hopper
President and CEO
ITS America
Richard Mudge
President and Founder
Compass Transportation and Technology
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