Utility 2.0: Building the Next-Gen Electric Grid through Innovation
Event Summary
Developing and deploying smart grid technologies is fundamentally important to building infrastructure resilience, growing the clean economy, and increasing U.S. productivity. But like many national challenges, there are a number of technological, institutional, and regulatory issues standing in the way of progress. There’s no one stakeholder, public or private, that can singlehandedly implement the smart grid. Nonetheless, grid technology innovations are beginning to disrupt the system, with consequences to consumers, utilities, regulators, and policymakers. To gauge how innovation is shaping the electric grid of the future, The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), the Digital Energy and Sustainability Solutions Campaign (DESSC), and the Energy Future Coalition (EFC) have convened a diverse group of experts to discuss: What innovative technologies are advancing the smart grid? How can policy accelerate this transition? Does America need a Utility 2.0?