International Benchmarking of Countries’ Policies and Programs Supporting SME Manufacturers
Event Summary
U.S. manufacturing is in trouble, having lost one-third of its jobs in the last decade. Robust jobs recovery will be difficult without a manufacturing renewal. But renewal will not be possible if the nation's 245,000 small and mid-sized manufacturers (SMEs) collectively do not become more productive, innovative and competitive. Other nations fully recognize the key role of their SME manufacturers and that's why many have rolled out well funded and smartly designed programs to help them.
In this event, ITIF releases a new report that analyzes the SME manufacturing and technology support programs and policies of 12 leading nations, including Japan, Germany and the UK. The report assesses what these nations are doing and what the lessons are for the federal, state and local governments in America seeking to bolster their SME manufacturers’ competitiveness. The event also features presentations from key officials in U.S. and foreign governments crafting SME manufacturing policy in their countries.