Events & Presentations: Joshua New
September 18, 2019
Accelerating Data-Driven Drug Development
ITIF's Center for Data Innovation released a new report exploring opportunities to accelerate data-driven innovation in drug development and hosted a panel discussion about the ways data can make drug development faster, more efficient, and lead to new cures.
May 30, 2019
What’s Next in Standards Setting for AI?
Artificial Intelligence is the proverbial Wild West, at least that's what concerns many skeptics. Please join ITIF's Center for Data Innovation in partnership with NIST for a conversation about the state of play in developing standards and oversight of AI systems, the need for proper governance of AI in key industries like health care and transportation, and the role that policymakers can play in advancing these efforts.
February 7, 2019
What’s Next for Open Data in the United States?
President Trump signed the OPEN Government Data Act (H.R. 4174) on January 14, 2019. The law is a major milestone for open data. Now that the law has been enacted, what should Congress and the administration do next to ensure the benefits of open data are fully realized?
December 4, 2018
Why It’s Time for the United States to Develop a National AI Strategy
While many nations have developed national strategies to support the development and adoption of AI, the United States has not. Join ITIF's Center for Data Innovation for the release of a new report laying out a detailed national AI strategy and a panel discussion about the ways in which policymakers can make the United States more competitive in the global AI race.
July 25, 2018
How Countries Are Preparing for the Global AI Race
ITIF's Center for Data Innovation for a discussed the various strategies countries are using to promote the development and adoption of AI.
May 22, 2018
Accountability in the Algorithmic Economy
Join the Center for Data Innovation for a presentation of its new report and a panel discussion on how policymakers can hold algorithms accountable while accelerating adoption of AI.
November 15, 2016
How Data Can Help Fix K-12 Education in the United States
Join ITIF's Center for Data Innovation for a discussion on a forthcoming report examining how the United States can build a data-driven education system, the benefits of a data-driven approach, and how to overcome the considerable challenges these innovations face.
October 6, 2016
How Data Can Help in the Fight Against Sexual Assault
Join ITIF's Center for Data Innovation and Rise, a civil rights nonprofit leading federal and state state efforts to implement legislation to protect the rights of sexual assault survivors, for a panel discussion on how policymakers and law enforcement can develop data-driven policies and practices to help in the fight against sexual assault and improve the lives of survivors.
May 24, 2016
What Happens When Laws Become Open Data?
Join ITIF's Center for Data Innovation for a panel discussion exploring the impact of open legislative data on the public and private sectors and identifying opportunities for both federal and state governments to better provide this data to unlock social and economic benefits.
April 14, 2016
Securing the Future of Open Data in the United States: Introducing the OPEN Government Data Act
Join ITIF's Center for Data Innovation and the Data Coalition for a panel discussion about the future of open government data in the United States.