Publications: Robert Rozansky
December 21, 2020
An Innovation Agenda for Advanced Renewable Energy Technologies
Innovation in renewable energy technologies, tapping solar, wind, geothermal, and water resources, could unlock massive decarbonization opportunities. But it will not happen without increased, sustained, and well-targeted federal investments.
November 7, 2020
President-Elect Biden’s Agenda on Technology and Innovation Policy
The president-elect’s overall approach to technology and innovation policy appears to be formulated to engage the government as an active partner alongside industry in spurring innovation—but also as a tougher regulator of many tech industries and technologies.
October 2, 2020
Gene Editing: The New Frontier for Climate Innovation
Gene editing is unlocking new ways to enhance natural and agricultural carbon sinks, limit emissions from agriculture and other major GHG-emitting sectors, and improve biofuels. Congress should act now to open this new frontier for climate innovation.
September 28, 2020
Trump vs. Biden: Comparing the Candidates’ Positions on Technology and Innovation
Tech policy broadly defined becomes more important each presidential election, and this one is no different. As it has in every cycle since 2008, ITIF provides a side-by-side comparison of the nominees’ positions on key issues related to the progress of technological innovation.
September 14, 2020
Gene Editing for the Climate: Biological Solutions for Curbing Greenhouse Emissions
Recent advances in gene editing offer promising opportunities to mitigate emissions from agriculture and other sectors, and to capture carbon from the atmosphere. Governments should accelerate the development and deployment of these solutions.
August 14, 2020
Failing Toward Success: The Mothballing of Petra Nova Carbon Capture Demonstration Project Is a Teachable Moment
When the world’s first carbon capture facility on a coal-fired power plant came online in Texas in 2017, it was touted as a big step toward transforming the dirtiest fossil fuel into a low-carbon power resource. Now, it’s been labeled “a nightmare for unsuspecting investors” and a “warning sign” for the industry. What happened?
May 18, 2020
More and Better: Building and Managing a Federal Energy Demonstration Project Portfolio
Demonstrating the commercial viability of new technologies for deep decarbonization requires federal funding. But the government’s past record is decidedly mixed. So Congress should increase funding for demonstration projects while reforming how they are administered.
April 2, 2020
Harnessing Heat: How the Federal Government Can Advance Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy has yet to follow the trajectory of rapidly expanding, cheap renewables like wind and solar. To unlock the enormous potential of this clean, reliable source of energy, the federal government can drive innovation and address barriers to adoption.
January 9, 2020
To Grow Innovative Small Businesses, Reform America’s Seed Fund
To realize their full potential, small start-up companies must cross the so-called “valley of death”—that precarious stage when their technologies are not yet perfected, investors are still skittish, and customers are scarce. There is a federal program devoted to helping them make this passage: the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.
January 8, 2020
Building on the Proposed CLEAN Future Act to Accelerate Energy Innovation
Leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee have released a framework for legislation that sets the bold goal of transitioning to net-zero emissions by 2050, taking a much-needed comprehensive approach to all sources of emissions within the committee’s jurisdiction. It is imperative that Congress now take additional steps to accelerate innovation in new clean energy technologies.