Publications: Paul MacDonnell
March 4, 2016
Europe Needs to Get Serious About Open Data
To unlock the potential of the data its governments are sitting on, Europe should agree on a European Open Data Charter modeled on the G8 Open Data Charter, writes Paul MacDonnell in EurActiv.
February 29, 2016
Europe Should Embrace the Data Revolution
In Europe’s capital cities and in Brussels, policymakers have not yet fully embraced data-driven innovation as a core driver of economic and social progress.
February 27, 2016
EU Approach To Regulating Data Needs More Hope And Less Fear
While fears about data generate the most headlines, the biggest impact for consumers will come from its array of benefits, writes Paul MacDonnell in TechCrunch.
February 15, 2016
European Companies Need Big Data, Too
Advances in data analytics are the perfect opportunity for European companies to take the lead in the global Internet economy, if regulators get out of the way, writes Paul MacDonnell in the Wall Street Journal.
February 4, 2016
Europe Needs Smart Policies For Smart Things
To maximize the benefits of the Internet of Things, Europe needs a comprehensive strategy with public sector investment and a wider program to ensure there is no lag in the adoption, writes Paul MacDonnell in Europe’s World.
January 20, 2016
The Data Revolution: Europe’s Chance to Lead in the Digital Economy
Europe needs to cash in on the data economy—and in a lot of ways, it already is, argues Paul MacDonnell in EurActiv.
December 17, 2015
Comments to the European Commission on Platforms, Data, and Cloud Computing
ITIF’s Center for Data Innovation submitted comments to the European Commission urging it to do more to unlock the potential of data-driven innovation in online platforms.