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Publications: Michael Lind

April 5, 2021

Small Business Boards: A Proposal to Raise Productivity and Wages in All 50 States and the District of Columbia

Low profit margins keep many small businesses from investing in productivity-enhancing technology, which in turn holds down wages. To break that cycle, there should be a federal program that helps them reap economies of scale and scope by collaborating in areas such as R&D, investment, marketing, and health insurance purchases.

March 12, 2021

When The Pandemic Is Over, Don’t Despair the Loss of Laggard Small Businesses

The sectors that have suffered the most in the pandemic are laggard sectors—laggard, that is, in moving from old-fashioned, labor-intensive and low-wage business models to innovative, capital-intensive, technology- and skilled-based ways of delivering goods and services. Upgrading these backward industries into high-wage, technology-intensive sectors must be a priority.

May 20, 2019

National Developmentalism: From Forgotten Tradition to New Consensus

In an article for American Affairs, Rob Atkinson and Michael Lind explain why national de­velopmentalism should guide American economic policy at home and abroad.

October 10, 2018

Progressives’ War on Big Business Hurts Workers

As Rob Atkinson and Michael Lind write for Bloomberg, progressives should abandon their battle against big companies like Amazon and push Congress to pass a higher national minimum wage that applies to all employers.

September 24, 2018

Five Things You Thought You Knew About Big Business vs. Small Business… But Didn’t

Much of what people assume to be true about big business is completely wrong. Rob Atkinson and Michael Lind cover five of the most egregious examples in this Innovation Files post.

July 25, 2018

The Number of New Startups Is Down—and That’s OK

As Rob Atkinson and Michael Lind write for Entrepreneur, there's no need for reflexive hand-wringing about the decline of startups.

May 4, 2018

The Myth of the Roosevelt “Trustbusters”

As Rob Atkinson and Mike Lind write for the New Republic, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt weren't the anti-corporate crusaders that they're portrayed as by populists today.

April 6, 2018

Big Is Beautiful: Debunking the Myth of Small Business

This provocative new book now available from The MIT Press shows small businesses are not the drivers of our prosperity. Big firms are better for job creation, productivity, innovation, and most other economic benefits. Governments should stop tipping the scales toward small and adopt “size neutral” policies that encourage companies of all sizes to grow.

April 6, 2018

Stop Propping Up Small Business

As ITIF President Rob Atkinson and Michael Lind write for the Wall Street Journal, showering privileges on firms because of their size is bad economics and bad policy.

March 29, 2018

Who Wins After U.S. Antitrust Regulators Attack? China.

In commentary for Fortune Magazine, ITIF President Rob Atkinson and Michael Lind write that America’s own antitrust policies perversely encourage the loss of technological leadership to rival nations.

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