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Publications: Lilla Nóra Kiss

June 27, 2024

It’s Time for Pro-Innovation, Atlanticist European Leadership

The EU is at a strategic crossroads when it comes to techno-economic policy. As the new Commission and Parliament take office, they must choose between fidelity to the transatlantic alliance and “strategic independence,” as well as between maintaining regulatory hostility toward large tech companies and unleashing innovation in Europe.

June 12, 2024

Will Korea Burn Its Digital Future Down?

Shifting from evidence-based law enforcement to heavy-handed digital regulation could stifle the innovation Korea needs and lead to various unintended consequences. As the Korean proverb goes, it’s unwise to “burn down the hut to catch a bedbug.”

June 11, 2024

Comments to Kenya’s Competition Authority Regarding the Draft Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2024

Proposed changes to Kenya’s competition regime will hinder, not help its digital economy. Rather than impose substantial changes based on the false premise that digital markets require special treatment, Kenya should use existing enforcement tools to police its growing digital markets.

June 10, 2024

Comments Before the Turkish Competition Authority Regarding Act No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition

Ex-ante regulation is not only unnecessary in view of Turkey’s growing digital markets, but likely to chill the very innovation it seeks to promote. Through a number of per se bans for behavior that is very often pro-competitive, consumers will be harmed—a fact that is already happening in Europe with its own DMA.

May 15, 2024

Comments to the Indian Ministry of Corporate Affairs Regarding Digital Competition Law

Rather than allow India’s dynamic high-tech and startup ecosystem to continue to flourish, the Draft Digital Competition Bill follows the path of overbearing competition policy taken by the EU, which lacks any leading digital firms. India should instead privilege the U.S. model of markets and dynamism.

May 13, 2024

Comments to Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) Regarding Digital Markets and Competition

Regulation in the digital sector should only be necessary to remedy market failure that cannot be addressed by the current legal framework, which simply is not true.

May 3, 2024

Comments to the Competition Bureau Canada Regarding AI and Competition

The artificial intelligence market in Canada is still in its early stages but is growing rapidly and becoming increasingly competitive. At this juncture, there is no clear evidence of market failure, substantial barriers to entry, or exclusionary practices that would necessitate intervention.

May 2, 2024

Comments to Brazil’s Finance Ministry Regarding Digital Markets Regulation

As Brazil crafts its own Digital Markets Act in the mold of the EU’s, it should be aware of the potential shortcomings and unsubstantiated advantages associated with such wide-ranging economic regulation within the digital market landscape.

April 4, 2024

Innovation Instead of Imitation: Brazil Needs a Brazilian Approach to Digital Markets

Europe’s digital model may not be the best fit for Brazil. Bill 2768/2022, mirroring the EU’s experimental Digital Markets Act, could potentially hinder innovation rather than ignite it. Brazil’s digital landscape calls for a culture of innovation, not borrowed blueprints of unnecessary intervention.

March 8, 2024

Comments to the European Commission’s Directorate General for Competition on Virtual Worlds and Generative AI

The market for AR/VR technologies, though nascent, presents a multifaceted competitive landscape spanning hardware, software, and distribution. And the generative AI market is experiencing early-stage growth with no significant entry barriers evident, particularly concerning data, computational resources, and talent.

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