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Publications: Kevin Gawora

April 19, 2021

Fact of the Week: Online Freelance Labor Platforms Have Registered an Estimated 163 Million Profiles Worldwide

Although online freelance work will certainly keep growing in the years ahead, policymakers and businesses should see it as temporary work for small projects, rather than a new source of sustainable, long-term job creation.

April 12, 2021

U.S. University R&D Funding Falls Further Behind OECD Peers

The United States continues its relative fall in university research and development funding. To become the leader among OECD nations in government funding for university research as a share of GDP, investment would have to increase by $90 billion per year.

April 12, 2021

Fact of the Week: When the Most Productive Firms in Estonia Have More Access to Broadband Internet Service, Their Productivity Growth Increases Five Times More Than Average

These results point to continued productivity gains from ICT investment, but divergent productivity growth between the most productive firms and those with average levels of productivity.

April 5, 2021

Fact of the Week: Every Dollar of U.S. Government-Funded Defense R&D Leads to an Additional 52 Cents in Private R&D

Three economists examined this relationship by looking at the aggregate effect of government-funded R&D on private-sector R&D, output, employment, and wages in OECD countries over 23 years. After controlling for variations in defense spending, the authors find that every dollar of defense R&D spending in the United States increases private sector R&D spending by almost 52 cents—such that private R&D investment would have been $85 billion lower over the studied period without government-funded defense R&D.

March 29, 2021

Fact of the Week: One Course of a COVID-19 Vaccine Has an Estimated Economic Benefit of More Than $5,800

Furthermore, an additional billion courses of the vaccine on top of the estimated three billion, if administered in April of this year, would net additional economic benefits of $989 billion.

March 22, 2021

Fact of the Week: Skilled Migrants to the U.S. Are Up To Six Times More Productive in Scientific Research Than Those Who Stay Home

Migrants to the U.S. are more likely to choose academic careers, and among those who choose academic careers, migrants to the U.S. are more productive than stayers.

March 15, 2021

Fact of the Week: Portuguese R&D Tax Incentives Spurred Investments in Productivity-Boosting Assets by 0.8 to 2.4 Percent Of Firms’ Total Assets

Public support for R&D is critical to bridge the gap in incentivizing technological progress. Three Portuguese economists examined the investment impact of tax incentives for “intangible investments,” another term for non-physical investments that increase productivity, such as human capital, software, and innovation.

March 8, 2021

Fact of the Week: Innovations in Cancer Treatment Between 1992 and 2010 Reduced the Negative Employment Effects of Cancer in Canada by 63 to 70 Percent

These strong effects point to the tremendous spillover benefits that medical innovations have on the labor market and the economy as a whole.

March 1, 2021

Fact of the Week: French Firms Just Below the Threshold for a Higher Tax Burden Were 11 Percentage Points Less Likely to Innovate Than Their Bigger and Smaller Peers

The “growth tax” seems to not significantly affect patenting in firms with more than 50 employees, since larger firms are more profitable and innovative due to economies of scale and have already priced the tax into their cost structures.

February 22, 2021

Fact of the Week: Indian Firms That Collaborated With Foreign Firms to Create One Patent Application Later Applied for More Patents Themselves and Increased Profitability Growth by 28 Percent

When domestic firms collaborate with foreign firms, domestic firms can benefit from knowledge spillovers, which has the potential to improve their performance. This is especially important if the domestic firm is in a developing country, as it allows the firm to “catch up” to world leaders, which boosts economic growth.

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