Publications: Jeffrey Marqusee
July 21, 2023
House Republican Opposition to DOD Clean Energy Technology Is Misguided
A group of House members, including defense appropriators, have questioned Pentagon spending on energy technology seen as “green,” including EVs, solar photovoltaics, and energy storage technology. But DOD is electrifying the battlefield not to be green, but to improve combat performance, which increasingly turns on technology that runs on electricity.
July 31, 2019
Clean Power From the Pentagon
In an article for Issues in Science and Technology, Dorothy Robyn and Jeffrey Marqusee explain how the Department of Defense’s research and innovation system is well-suited to advancing clean energy technologies in both the military and civilian sectors.
March 19, 2019
How to Reap the Dividend From Defense’s Clean Energy Investment
As Dorothy Robyn and Jeffrey Marqusee write for RealClearEnergy, many key technologies for the civilian energy sector could be advanced if the Department of Defense and Department of Energy collaborated more effectively.
March 5, 2019
The Clean Energy Dividend: Military Investment in Energy Technology and What It Means for Civilian Energy Innovation
The Defense Department will invest $1.6 billion this year in research, development, testing, and evaluation (RDT&E) that is directly related to energy. This report recommends how to leverage those investments for civilian energy innovation without compromising their military value.