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May 15, 2024|Blogs

Sunsetting Section 230 Will Make the Internet Worse for Everyone

In its current form, Section 230 allows for a diverse Internet ecosystem, allowing online services to moderate content in a way that best suits their needs and the needs of their users. It is highly unlikely that, in 18 months, Congress will come up with a better solution.

May 15, 2024|Blogs

Assessing University-Industry Research Attention in Latin America and the Caribbean

The current scope of University-Industry (U-I) collaboration in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) opens opportunities for research to progress in innovative directions.

May 15, 2024|Blogs

The “Invent Here, Make Here” Act Should Fully Advance, Not Partially Impede, Bayh-Dole’s Mission

The bill proposes useful steps to facilitate domestic commercialization, but it overreaches in placing excessive restrictions when innovators prove unable to identify domestic manufacturing capabilities despite their best efforts.

May 13, 2024|Blogs

Advancing Biomedical Innovation with Policies Supporting Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

By improving privacy protection and facilitating secure collaborative research, privacy-enhancing technology could complement data-sharing policies and enable analysis of sensitive medical data and support biomedical innovation.

May 13, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: Manufacturers That Adopt More Digital Technologies Are More Likely To Export

A recent working paper found that a 1-unit increase in the proxy variable for digital intensity was associated with a 5.8 percent increase in the likelihood that a firm would export.

May 10, 2024|Op-Eds & Contributed Articles

New DOE Foundation Should Think Big

Establishing the Foundation for Energy Security and Innovation (FESI) was a vital initial step, but its value will depend on what happens next.

May 10, 2024|Blogs

America Needs Big Tech to Beat Big China

Neo-Brandeisians have launched a campaign to discredit the argument that breaking up or shackling America’s large technology multinationals would be a boon for China. But they’re wrong.

May 6, 2024|Blogs

Public Knowledge vs. Progress: The Debate on Website Blocking in the United States and Elsewhere

Congress and other stakeholders would do well to ignore SOPA as a relic of the past and instead focus on those stakeholders who want to engage on the substantial and growing body of evidence from around the world.

May 6, 2024|Blogs

Fact of the Week: US Export Controls Reduce Foreign Direct Investment in the US by 13 Percent

A recent working paper suggests that trade and technology restrictions in the U.S. not only reduce consumer welfare and exports, but also negatively influence other indicators such as foreign investment due to declines in associated technology transfer.

May 3, 2024|Blogs

A Nation With Larger Establishments Could Mean Higher Economic Productivity

Policymakers should ignore neo-Brandeisian calls to regulate or break up large companies. Another study has found large firms can benefit the economy and are crucial for optimal productivity.

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