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Recommendations from the mHealth Task Force

Monday, September 24, 2012 - 02:00 PM to Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - 3:59 PM EST
The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation1101 K Street NWSuite 610A Washington District Of Columbia, 20005

Event Summary

Earlier this year, the FCC convened a summit with industry leaders to discuss opportunities to accelerate the adoption and use of mobile health care technologies. Since then, participants have formed the “mHealth Task Force” to develop recommendations for industry and government action to harness the potential of mobile devices to improve health outcomes and lower costs of care.

Please join ITIF for a panel discussion about the mHealth Task Force, their findings and recommendations. The Task Force, led by Co-chairs Julian Goldman, Robert Jarrin and Douglas Trauner will detail the work performed by the Task Force to identify barriers and opportunities related to mobile health, wireless health and e-Care technologies. They will address how the FCC plays a vital role in helping to change America’s healthcare system through access to broadband while enabling the adoption and proliferation of mHealth. The Co-chairs will discuss the Final Recommendations by the Task Force and how the FCC should continue to play a leadership role to promote innovation, avoid regulatory duplication and build upon existing programs to expand broadband access for healthcare while supporting RF safety, reliability and interoperability of mHealth Technologies. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski will deliver opening remarks and the three Co-chairs will serve on a panel moderated by Rob Atkinson.

Download the findings and recommendations (PDF)

Read Chairman Genachowski's remarks


Julius Genachowski
Federal Communications Commission
Julian Goldman
Medical Director of Biomedical Engineering
Partners Healthcare System
Robert Jarrin
Senior Director of Government Affairs
Douglas Trauner
Health Analytic Services, Inc (
Robert D.
Robert D. Atkinson@RobAtkinsonITIF
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
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